Rhode Island real estate classes

*Self Registration Process

​     From the calendar click on the class number to register, you can also pre-register for all future classes.

*Students MUST have a password protected Zoom account using the same email provided when enrolling for the course

Class Credit Policy for Virtual Classroom Code of Conduct
Students MUST comply with all rules for class credit:

  1. Working Camera.
  2. Working Microphone.
  3. Students must be in a private room separated from others
  4. No babysitting.
  5. No driving or being a passenger in a motor vehicle.
  6. No walking.
  7. No lying down.
  8. No consuming alcohol.
  9. No inappropriate conduct or attire.
  10. Class quizzes/polls will be given, 100% participation required by law.
  11. Remain stationary and keep your camera stationary and minimize distractions.

By registering for class you hereby agree to abide by all the rules as set forth for the Rhode Island real estate class enrollment.

*If you are taking the classes using your handheld you will need to install google calendar app.


  • Students MUST have a password protected Zoom account

  • Self-register for each class in your required course schedule

  • Self-register to complete a make-up class

  • Self-register to Audit any class (for up to six months of completing your required class schedule)

Class registration page | Registered students only | Rhode Island real estate classes

*When registering to audit any class please add the word "Audit" in the first name field of the registration form and you must use the email we have on file. 

State licensing rules and regulations for online real estate classes strictly prohibits any violation of the class credit policy.  If a student is found in violation they will be required to make up the entire class, no partial credit is given.

* $25.00 make up fee applies.

State of Rhode Island Class Credit Policy

Rhode Island real estate class registration

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